Monday, August 15, 2011

long time no read

Hi everyone,

Zumba at Sweet's has been great this year. Fall is coming up and that also means some changes. First of all, I will be adding Zumba Toning to the classes at Sweet's. It is a great twist on weight training because it incorporates both Zumba and light-weight toning. I'm excited to offer this variety.

Another exciting addition will be Zumbatomic. This is a class that is specially designed for kids ages 4-12. It is a fun way to help little ones stay active and introduce them to dance, new rhythms, and teamwork and socializing. I am finalizing dates for this one so stay tuned.

In the meantime, I'd like your feedback on the schedule for the fall. Please take the survey on the right. The proposition is this:

Zumba Toning on Mondays and Wednesday
Zumba (regular cardio class) on Tuesdays and Thursdays

The major change I'd like to get your feedback on is to change the class time to 8:30PM instead of 9:00PM. Please vote to your right so I can finalize the schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny, can I order a pair of toning sticks from you? Also, are you ordering everyone's at once, that way we can share the shipping costs :) I am very excited about the toning class! Thanks!
